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The Etiological Spectrum Of Obstructive Jaundice In Mardan Medical Complex


Objective: To evaluate the causes of obstructive jaundice in our set-up.

Study Design: Prospective Cross-sectional study.

Setting and Duration: Surgical Department, Mardan Medical Complex, from April 2016 to March 2018

Methodology: Using a non-probability sampling approach, 54 cases were enrolled. Individuals having a clinical diagnosis of obstructive jaundice, regardless of age or gender, were progressively recruited in the research. Every instance had a comprehensive investigation, and the reason for each was found. The study’s bias and confounders were managed by closely adhering to the exclusion criteria. Data were gathered using a standardized proforma, and SPSS version 23 was used for analysis.

Results: In the aforementioned investigation, a total of 54 individuals with obstructive jaundice were seen. The patients’ ages ranged from 28 to 70 years old, with a mean age of 51.63 ± 10.54 years. 37% of people were men and 63% were women. In 27 (50%), 21 (38.9%), and 6 (11.1%) of the patients, choledocholithiasis and biliary strictures were the causes of obstructive jaundice. Malignant reasons were more prevalent in those over 50, whereas benign causes were more common in those under 50.

Conclusion: In our configuration, choledocholithiasis and common bile duct strictures were the most prevalent malignant and benign causes of obstructive jaundice.

Department of Surgical A Ward, Mardan Medical Complex, Mardan, KP, Pakistan

Department of Surgical A Ward, Mardan Medical Complex, Mardan, KP, Pakistan

Department of Surgical A Ward, Mardan Medical Complex, Mardan, KP, Pakistan

Department of Surgical A Ward, Mardan Medical Complex, Mardan, KP, Pakistan

Department of Surgical A Ward, Mardan Medical Complex, Mardan, KP, Pakistan

Department of Surgery (Ward A), Bacha Khan Medical College Mardan, Pakistan


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