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Prevalence Of Chronic Otitis Media In School Children Of Sheikh Maltoon Town Mardan


Background: Chronic otitis media is among the most frequently brought issues to the otolaryngology outpatient department. It’s a sickness that can be prevented and may cause permanent hearing loss. Children who attend school will have better learning possibilities and fewer difficulties if they get an early diagnosis and prompt treatment. Our study aimed to ascertain the incidence of chronic otitis media in Mardan’s Sheikh Maltoon town’s school-age youngsters.

Objectives: Identifying potential risk factors, evaluating the impact on children’s health and education, estimating the incidence of the condition, and directing public health initiatives for management and prevention in the neighborhood are all goals of the study on the prevalence of chronic otitis media in school-age children in Sheikh Maltoon Town, Mardan.

Study design: An observational cross-sectional study

Duration and place of study: from April 1 to April 30, 2018, many schools in Sheikh Maltoon Town

Methods: This research, conducted at many schools in Sheikh Maltoon Town, Mardan, was cross-sectional and randomized. The study ran from April 1 to April 30, 2018. A questionnaire was used to gather data, which was then examined in the ears and subjected to several audiometric tests.

Results: 184 kids between the ages of 7 and 17 signed up for the research. There were 83 female children and 101 male ones.36 of the 184 children reported hearing loss, and 19 said any ear drainage. Twelve instances included one ear, seven involved both, 17 had a bad stench, and two involved no stink.

Conclusion: Early diagnosis and proper management may help to reduce the disease burden and prevent disabling hearing loss in children. 

Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Head & Neck Surgery, Bacha Khan Medical College, Mardan, KP - Pakistan

Department of Community Medicine, Khyber Medical College, Peshawar - KP Pakistan

Department of Pediatrics, Bacha Khan Medical College, Mardan, KP - Pakistan

Department of Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery, Bacha Khan Medical College, Mardan KP - Pakistan


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